Our biography (see drop-down menu at the left) is always embedded in history. History always means that we are not moving in circles. There can only history when events build further on each other. Something happened in the past that we inherited and develop further. History, then, is always a history of salvation. Or, of disaster, the opposite of salvation. We are taking things further and if we do not we are destroying something. In our biography we receive from the former generation and pass on to posterity. That is why I want to call attention to history and salvation history on this website. I want to draw attention to those moments in the past and in our own time when we are required to lift the world together to a higher level. That is salvation. Therefore I want to draw attention to history and to salvation history. I want to draw attention to those moments in the past and in our own time, when we are asked to jointly take the world to a higher level. That is salvation: the solution of a problem (salvation and solution: same root).
As humanity, actually do we really rise to a higher level in the course of history? If so, then we can speak of something like a history of salvation. At least – that also depends on what we mean by a higher level. The technology shows continuous innovation. There is continuously more that we can do. But that in itself does not bring us to a higher level, at least not to a higher moral level. A pointed statement of Rosenstock-Huessy is: The bombs are becoming better and better, but real progress means that we don’t use them. So that is progress on a moral level.
Salvation implies wholeness, integrity. It is a religious term, but at the same time it is also a secular term. Actually, it is difficult to understand why salvation is a religious term and integrity would be purely secular. That is only a matter of common usage. Actually, secular terms are just religious terms intended for everyday use. When terms are used continuously, they become a bit jaded and seem to be controlled or even constructed by ourselves. As if we give meaning to it. Instead of the other way around.
Two things are needed to take history to a higher moral level. First of all, there must be an awareness that the current level is not sufficient. Those who don’t mind slavery will never take any initiative to abolish slavery. That certain things cannot, and should not be done because they are morally inappropriate, can be called a sharpening of our moral consciousness. You can also call it a revelation. Revelation means that people are robbed of their naivety. They know that it is actually no longer possible and not allowed to do particular things, whether it be to put girls to death (normal habit in ancient times) or to sell people who cannot pay their debts as slaves (also a normal habit in ancient times), or evict them out of their house (which is still considered a normal thing to do – or not?).
But even if you know that certain things are no longer acceptable, how do you get this new standard institutionalized? Everyone must participate and support the new policy, otherwise it will not work. For example, if there are many countries that do not have a minimum wage or a system of social insurance, they can compete more easily and conquer the market. Then as a consequence the minimum wage must be lowered everywhere. Therefore we have to solve these kinds of issues together, so we need support from each other to do so. This sequence of steps has led theology to distinguish between creation, revelation and redemption. Creation equals the existing level of moral awareness. We have more or less created a world without slavery right now. Inasmuch as that is an established fact, it is part of creation. But all kinds of unresolved issues are burning on our conscience. It has already been revealed to us that it isn’t normal and acceptable anymore, but now what? Finally, if we manage to implement for instance human rights worldwide scale, education, minimum wages, and more of such institutions in a joint effort and by a common inspiration (which is a necessity!), then one can speak of redemption. Or salvation. The solution is there.